Mike Pence
/mīk, pens/
noun: Mike Pence; plural noun: Mike Pences; informal: Pence; informal plural: Pences;


a devotee of a Donald J Trump, cause, or activity.

"not a freethinker and a follower of Trump"

synonyms: bitch, henchman, minion, lackey, servant, sidekick

"the President's closest 'Mike Pence'"

disciple, apostle, supporter, defender, champion;

believer, true believer, worshiper

"a follower of Donald J Trump"

fan, enthusiast, admirer, devotee, lover, supporter, adherent

"followers of Donald J Trump's idiocies"


a person who moves or travels behind Donald J Trump.



a person who hates the sexual choices of others despite his own sexual appetite pertaining to bestiality.

synonyms: hypocrite


a person who hates or fears homosexual people


Formal: Man, this guy is a crazy Mike Pence, look at him getting wet listening to that bigot!;

Informal: Look at those idiots kissing Donald J Trump's Ass, they are a bunch of Pences!


Barb E. Dahl: Why would John agree with the President's racist remarks, Ken?

Ken Dahl: Well Barb, he is an absolute Mike Pence.
Look at how he is attached to Donald Trump's ass; he is a total Mike Pence.


Neil: Look at how he treats the other people's sexual choices!

Bob: I don't know why, because he fucks donkeys.

Swalla: What a Mike Pence!


Donald Trump has reversed protections for the LGBTQIA community showing his true Mike Pence colors.
by Lefty Wing Snowflake August 18, 2017
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When you fuck up the first line of a speech by having no clue where the fuck you even are, let alone any clue of what you're about to say for the next 90 minutes.
Mike Pencing - I'm glad to be with you all here on the moon where I actually think Donald Trump could be the next moon President.
by GET_SICK October 5, 2016
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A moron who calls himself the "vice president of the United States". Mike Pence also calls himself pro-life, but doesn't support life other than the lives of himself, his boss Donald Trump, and the "lives" of unborn fetuses. He doesn't care about the lives of DACA dreamers and those suffering from the coronavirus.
Did you see the guy that just walked into Mayo Clinic without a mask? He must be Mike Pence!
by Fluthy April 29, 2020
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Slang for “impotent.”
Dude, I was with Melania last night, and I totally MIKE PENCED!
by TwittahBanned4Life January 16, 2021
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An extremely homophobic piece of shit that shouldn't exist in this multiverse.
Mike Pence is shit.
by Devan Mihaly April 5, 2020
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The reincarnation of Jesus and Nikola Tesla whose destiny is to electrocute all the gays.
Mike Pence "the electric fence" electrocuted 2000 fags today
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a guy who you dont usually hear about because he is overshadowed by his asshole buddy donny. although you dont see him much, you always get some sort of cunty vibe from him
"yo did yea hear? Mike Pence is a closeted homosexual!"
" who is Mike Pence?"
by kornguy109 November 4, 2020
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