She is that type of girl who forgives to easy. She will try not to forgive you but it won’t last long .The smallest words hurt her for a long period of time .no one knows because she keeps it to herself. she won’t tell almost anyone bc she has really bad trust issues. At first glance she doesn’t seem like the friend You would be better off with out. but once you get do you know her she is probably sweetest and one of the funniest and craziest person you will ever meet. And she is that friend who is always caring for people in need. And will always be there when your felling down. 🥰
Personality: caring for people , hates seeing people sad, bad trust Issues, has good luck often, is often put down by other people and hurts her. More than physical pain ...problems one of the funniest people you will ever meet .🥰 Mikaela *
by Urban-person November 13, 2019
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A female version of borat
Her laugh is funny

Very hyper and funny person good to hang around with

likes potatoes
by Theunicornswag100 November 21, 2014
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mikaela is a smart,sexy,independent woman. she is very trustworthy and barely betrays you. she doesn’t care weather you like her or not because she is very relevant.i could go on and on about her but you get the point she’s just PERFECT 😍🤩💘
damnn that girl fine, her name must be mikaela”
by kylie potts July 31, 2019
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She's beautiful, nice girl. She's nice to everyone. Everyone likes her. She's funny. When you're having a bad day, she can you feel better with just a text. Anyone who breaks her heart is a dumb asshole. Any guy would be happy to date her.
person#1 " she's so nice!"
person#2 " I know. her name's mikaela."
by The Dumb 1 December 30, 2017
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Mikaela is the type of girl who can make anyone laugh from her silence,she may have anxiety but when it comes to her friends she would do almost anything for them,she has blue eyes and is PERFECT,you are lucky if you're dating her
Person 1: omg did you hear that .... Is dating Mikaela

Person 2: yeah I'm so jealous
by nuggetmk December 19, 2019
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meaning of great quality. usually used to describe someone really great or hot.
god, she is so mikaela.
by Shaela Isadora November 6, 2007
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A girl who loves Urban dictionary with her boyfriend. She's sweet, caring, smart, and constantly Horny. A Mikaela is a great girlfriend who thoughts misunderstood and constantly put down, has no real flaws of her own. A Mikaela listens to people, and is a great person.
My girlfriend is a real Mikaela.
by Ragerryan March 9, 2014
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