1. meta 581 up, 58 down
A term, especially in art, used to characterize something that is characteristically self-referential.

"So I just saw this film about these people making a movie, and the movie they were making was about the film industry..."
"Dude, that's so meta. Stop before my brain explodes."

1. meta 581 up, 58 down
A term, especially in art, used to characterize something that is characteristically self-referential.

"So I just saw this film about these people making a movie, and the movie they were making was about the film industry..."
"Dude, that's so meta. Stop before my brain explodes."

by meta|mistake April 28, 2009
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meta can be used as an acronym for “most effective tactics available”

Calling something “meta” means that it's an effective way to achieve the goal of the game, whether it's to beat other players or beat the game itself.

meta meant “beyond,” “after,” or “behind.”
Example 1:
,,This shirt is the new meta, better quality than any other shirt''

Example 2:
,,Bro this item is the new meta, I beat the game with it so easy''
by MertNoCap April 8, 2021
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When you create new layers of abstraction between the thing or event, you are becoming more meta.

For example: A footnote that is needed to explain another footnote is meta.

The problem with being meta is that if you add sufficient layers of abstraction or complexity between the original event and the convenient abstractions you create to clarify or explain it, you eventually lose all connection to the original. Generally, you need no more than two or three levels in writing.

Too much meta in your writing leads to meta fog.

In writing, this means your writing sucks.
Man, I need notes to explain the notes to my notes for my thesis!" - "That's very meta. Perhaps you should rewrite it?
by Charles Hoffmann August 29, 2010
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An acronym, most commonly used in the gaming world, for Most Effective Tactic Available.
Guy 1: Dude, Assassins are so in the meta right now.
Guy 2: Rito plz nerf ;_;
by Ganderschplaf the Gray November 23, 2015
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In the gaming world, meta is what the entire community does within one week of the game's release or latest patch, ignoring everything else the game or the game developer has to offer.
"Looks like INSERT CHARACTER NAME HERE is the new meta now"
by PSloth December 19, 2014
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When in any form of art; whether it be a story, video game, picture, movie, etc.; the story is explaining itself.
Examples of meta media: The Stanley Parable (game), Deadpool (movie), Game Dev Tycoon (game), and "Drawing Hands" by MC Escher (painting).
by xDJ Rockstar April 7, 2016
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In the gaming world. The meta is what is in RIGHT NOW. What are the best strategies, plays, options.. Things of that nature. Often referred to as "Meta-Game".
Example 1. "Woah Dude! That Magic the Gathering deck is crazy!"

"Yes... It is the meta."
Example 2. "Dude! The your build is crazy!" (moba players)

"Yes...... It is in deed.. The meta."
by MC Nudge December 31, 2015
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