That librearian is such a Meron!
by ImEritrean March 22, 2022
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A guy that is very feminine and likes other guys. they are also weak and submissive. They usually dont like to give dick(they dont really have a choice), but they like to take it.
Wow that homo right there is a Meron.
by ImEritrean March 22, 2022
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A tall black boy who is funny and pulls a lot of girls and his a bit of acne. He could be shy at first but then he will be the most funniest but most annoying person you ever met
Yo who that dude that stole my girl , oh thas meron
by Ggubvmkhgfbbnkk October 19, 2019
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The slang term used for unstable meth addict that lives in downtown dirty doorways askin for spare underwear.

Also, the slang term for moron.
That kid in our marketing class is such a Meron!
by Annonymous Mofo November 9, 2007
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