They are getting mazzed in a small ceremony on Saturday. Yewww.
by FlashSaviorOfTheUniverse February 28, 2019
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Getting one's hands up as in putting them above your head and moving them around in circles or any pattern you want
He was so pumped up for the game that he began to mazz.
by Jaynods February 24, 2008
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When a pet gets "accidentally" stuck in a 80's style refridgerater.
by Charlie the third March 5, 2008
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a girl with a lot of energy. never stops moving and is very clingy in a relationship.
"did you dump that girl?"
"yeah, she was a mazz"

stop moving, you mazz. you could hurt someone
by Leacmih October 26, 2007
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To masturbate in a place easily caught.
Created by the forum heads of where a thread was dedicated to danger mazz and people posting and saying the most dangererous place they have tugged.
Jamal: I mazzed in a tent while my parents were asleep next to me. BEST DANGER MAZZ EVER.

Clownie: I mazzed during my english exam in the toilets because i finished early crazyyy danger mazz. Well dope i do say lad.
by mr.grecea April 8, 2008
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The beautiful and talented composer and singer for the band The Divine Madness
Victoria Mazze is a beautiful singer.
by Jeremy Quincy January 27, 2008
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