The act of skating with malice; intending or intended harm.
Skater Guy One: You go skate last night?
Skater Guy Two: Had a Maliceous night bro!

Skater Guy One: Damn!
by Chase Meë January 19, 2013
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An act of drooling 😪 over someone or something in an orgasmic way.
Alicia was malicating over Nicholas' flexed biceps. 💪

Nicholas was malicating over his delicious Veggie burger. 🍔
by CaptainHerMajesty April 17, 2014
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Yknow that Alice who acts like a dude? She farts, burps, never shaves/wears make up and isn't ashamed? That's when you know you've met a Malice (Manly Alice)
Dude did you go down on Alice last night?
Nah she turned out to be a Malice with all that bush down there so I bounced.

Damn Malice did you forget to put deodorant on or something?
Malice: no I actually enjoy my natural odor.
by buzzthug January 7, 2021
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Malic is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Malic means king and many more things but one thing for shore is that malic's are musty people. Most malic's have dirry dreads and are yall but skinny. Over all stay away from malic's.
by Jaimmy smith December 3, 2018
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a Japanese band(now broken up) that played a mix of classical and rock. Consisted of Kami on drums(Died after Gackt left),Mana on synthazizer/guitar,Yu~ki on bass, and Kozi on synth/guitar.Also went though 3 different vocalists(Tetsu,who got kicked out,Gackt,who went solo,and Klaha was the last vocalist.) Known alot for their unsusual attire. All are men. Some people conider Malice Mizer "Jgoth"
some songs by Malice Mizer:Beast of Blood,Bel Air,Au Revior
by Aquila December 20, 2003
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In touhou 8,Inperishable night there's a strategy when you play as the Magic team. You just spam the shift button, continulosly changing between Marisa and Alice. Malice is a combo of 𝗠𝗮risa and A𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲.
"The malice cannon cheeses Eirin so hard!"
by Stupid meme reporter March 9, 2019
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A liquid substance that is hot-pink and smells like strawberries.
Not to be confused with pure evil, which is lemon-yellow and smells like butterscotch.
"No! Don't touch it! It's PURE EVIL!"
"Pure evil is hot-pink and smells like strawberries?"
"Hmm, actually now that I think about it, Pure Evil is lemon-yellow and smells like butterscotch. That crate must be Raw Malice." -Bob the Hamster Graphic Novel
by Dr. Baconman April 21, 2006
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