to call on someone; to give someone a call;
by wolltemal April 15, 2005
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Idk Mahala has a weird haircut and often people can’t tell if they are a boy or a girl.

Mahala recommends you buy the chicken sandwich but it’s actually not good so don’t listen to them.
“Who’s that hot hippie freak with the weird haircut?”

“Oh that’s just Mahala”
by Sorejoints January 21, 2022
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The act of proclaiming to oneself or a group to kill the nonbelievers. Nonbelivers being people who don’t worship Kelpy G (their lord and savior.) This is usually said in combination with shaking ones pinkie and thumb finger back and forth.
Oh boy do I love throwing the nonbelivers into oncoming traffic! Mahala!
by Kreggery February 11, 2018
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A dumb cunt ass potato who licks her friends pussy.
Hey, sis your a mahala
by Gkjkvhhghfsfggdrxcfxd March 1, 2017
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A Mahala moment is when someone is being really loud and then poops themselves.

Olivia: LOLOLOL that was so funny!!
Mahala: *Screams then poops*
Olivia and Sophia: Now that was a Mahala moment!
I just LOL'd so hard then I pooped in my pants. Now that was a mahala moment.
by POOPYPOOPOO123 May 27, 2020
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The collective noun for self-purported 'writers' on online blogs that come out guns blazing in support for each other whenever any reader critiques their 'over-writing' or 'over-use' of subjective writing or just poor writing in general no matter whether they are correct or not... simply blinded by their own perceived online worth...
Oh oh here come the lame 'Mahala high 5 brigade' to soil logic on this thread...

Oh oh the here comes the 'Mahala high 5 brigade' self flagellation circle...
by Simpiwe December 7, 2011
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A life saver an angel sent from heaven to bring life understanding and resurgence back to its proper standing
They was on a bad path until Mahala journey jeanann entered their world! mahala jurney jeanann
by Blankenship family October 8, 2021
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