I was madder at Nicole than at myself.
by ThatGirlAlpha October 28, 2017
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A Slang Used As Matter & Mad. As a Anger Word.
Madder Of Fact F*ck YOU!
by Danny Way January 11, 2009
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cornish expression to state the unimportance of a situation or thing
litteral translation,
does it matter, no it fucking doesn't
ear denzil i've lost that pair o socks you lent eylas thursdee"
"matter do ee",
"matter do ee fuk"
by Dan February 17, 2004
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Like Mad as hell, except it usually holds more meaning as well as more emotion. It is a phrase usually found in the southern United States.
by CynicalCountryGirl January 15, 2018
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An old saying from midwest farm country. "I'm madder than a mole who can't fill his hole!"
"You see Jeff stub his toe? He was madder than a mole who can't fill his hole!"
by GB_Pack4 February 21, 2014
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Used in common phrases by rednecks/ white trash. It means to be madder than a wet hen, and when a hen gets wet; it gets really mad. The term cannot be said the way it looks though. You have to break it up all redneck like. Such as the example.
Jim: Whats up buddy?

You: Man, im madderd n a wet hen! (madder than a wet hen)
by Redneck Guy June 14, 2010
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