a very honest, extroverted, outspoken, strong willed, confident, complicated, complex, independent, one of a kind, trustworthy, and intelligent girl(:
Wow! That Macey girl is a catch (:
by alexis mercedes February 8, 2010
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she does not open up easily and seems like the kind of person you could never get close with. seems shallow and self-centred when you first meet her. but once you are friends she is the type of person that will make you laugh til you are on the floor. shes the trendiest person in your school and all of her friends adore her. once you meet a macey, you will never forget her. she is beautiful without trying and she simplifies all of lives complicated turns. she will not hold a grudge but she may get frustrated easily. but you should never give up on a macey because she would never give up on you. she is so loyal and a great person to have in your life
by user12342 May 28, 2019
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by chlccc August 21, 2021
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A Godsend of a woman. Beautiful and softspoken yet firm in belief. Sexy and Mysterious, Amazing to behold.
Macey is AWESOME
by MRPRES479 February 3, 2010
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a great young girl that hates school loves her friends and always eating but not fat and cute🙌🏽
macey is my sexy bestie
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A beautiful girl, who doesn't trust easily. She is unique and if you don't like her, who cares? She doesn't! But, if she doesn't like you, watch out! She doesn't care what people think of her, and takes a while to get to know. Once you know her, she is the best friend you'll ever have. Lots of fun and up for anything, She puts in 150% into the things she loves . Even though she's majorly hot, she's also smart although you'd never tell by looking at her. She also likes scaring people, having her own opinion . This girl is one that you definately want to get to know
That girl over there is so hot .
She must be a macey
by Catrinnaa132 July 21, 2019
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