To me it looks like a leprechaun to me, all you got to do is look up in the tree. Who all seen the leprechaun say yeaaaa!!
about the 'leprechaun'
Person 1: My theory is...its a shadow cast from the other limb...
Person 2: Could be a crackhead who got hold to the wrong stuff.
by trojanfever May 16, 2006
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A leprechaun is a fictional character which you would come across in Irish folk lore. It is not - as believed by most Americans - something you are ever going to come across in The Republic of Ireland. Leprechauns are usually portrayed wearing shamrock green garments and are being about one foot tall. In the FAIRY TALES if you come across a leprechaun he will lead you to his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
American Tourist walks up to red-haired Irish child
American Tourist: Are you a leprechaun?
Irish Child: Fuck off.
Irish Child then beats the shit out of American Tourist and leaves him/her for dead.
by Irish_Girl95 July 11, 2008
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Any Ginger, over the age of 18, but under the height of 5'5".
Bill- Did you see that Leprechaun at the mall today?

Ted- Why yes, he was quite an angry little fellow.
by Augh Man 1 April 8, 2009
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Pesky little fella with ill-temper (see hockey-temper) and bad manners. From ireland and in posession of lucky charms. When caught, the leprechaun is forced to hand over a pot of gold and might grant wishes. Similar to that common Gnatt.
See the simpsons episode with the leprechaun and you'll understand...
by The Tangoman September 20, 2004
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Jaro is small and has a ginger beard. (a leprechaun is also small with a ginger beard)
by rolmops June 12, 2018
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Anyone with an Irish name (Liam, Paddy, Seamus etc.) or actually is Irish.
Get away from me, leprechaun man. I don't want to know what you mean by 'pot of gold'.
by Tim XYZ October 16, 2003
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The Leprechaun is a creature seperate from all other creatures and is infact, its very own genus. There three humours to a Leprechaun and they are malice, hatred and whisky. Only when these three are in perfect balance does a Leprechaun reach its healthiest state. They are spawned from those little wells where people throw in pennies. Not only is this a waste of change but also seriously endangers the human race.
That Leprechaun has stolen my feet and now its stealing somebodies whisky.

That Leprechaun just stole my whisky and now its eating that ladies baby.

That Leprechaun is eating my baby alive! My lord its eating it alive!
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