noun. Hawaiian & islander name.

Hawaiian translation, "sky, heavenly body"

may also reference novel The Lani People by Jesse F. Bone.

not to be confused with Serial Experiments Lain.
Lani kicks ass! And brah, there's a book with her name in the title.
by mintymidori September 5, 2006
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THE BEST FRIEND THAT YOU CAN EVER HAVE! The nicest, funniest, and most awesome friend ever! Will make you laugh (even when you shouldn't) and is willing to make you smile any time. Has the best laugh in the world! A Lanie will always have your back no matter what and will treat you like her family. But be careful, she is fierce when she is messed with.
-"That girl in my class is so funny!"

- " She is such a Lanie."
by iOofedUrMom May 8, 2018
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well let’s just take a moment to recognize who or what a lanie is the def of a lanie is so so so beyond hard to explain first she is litterally a god at fortnite like no one can beat her~she also is rlly good at screaming....i think....she also wears clothes on the daily but that’s just a lanie type of thing ig🤷🏻 ♀️
person 1: do you see that girl? i think she is wearing clothes

person 2: yea that’s lanie...she usually is🤷🏻 ♀️
by taylor.x February 10, 2019
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Pretty fun loving& sweet beautiful. She brings joy to everyone and is full of happiness! She is not the smartest person but will do watever it takes to make someone feel better. Also kind of narcissistic, considering she wrote this
Lani is short for Allanys.
by NotAllanys May 20, 2013
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Lanie is not a girly-girl but when she is young she is like any other girl, she likes pink and plays with barbies. But when they are about 8 they dislike the color pink and like blue or green. She is shy in public, but when she's with family or friends she won't shut up. She is kind and soft but gets hurt easily. She will fight back. Lanie will be butt head to others, only if others are being a butt head to her. She is very supportive of her friends and family.
"I wish I could be like Lanie"
by pizza_08 March 2, 2019
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Such an underrated band that everyone of all ages should listen to. very Aesthetic. The best time to listen to their music is at a beach during sundown. very cute boys. Jake, Les, and Paul. they all should be appreciated so listen to them on spotify,soundcloud, and i tunes. ps. the gif is Paul from the WHERE THE HELL ARE MY FRIENDS music video.
person 1: Have you heard that band LANY?
person 2: No who are they?
person 1: Jut look them up. you wont regret it.
person 2: OMG ILYSB for showing me them.
by ILYSBNY August 30, 2017
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