She can be smart, funny, pretty, crazy, and nice when she actually tries. Even though you think you might know her really well she would do something behind you back in a second. She talks to A LOT of guys and is talkative so she's most likely popular.
"Me and Laney had so much fun at the party"
"Did you know Laney kissed your crush?"
by AK00 November 19, 2015
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Actually when you think about it there are no words to describe a Laney. She is everything and more. I know more then anyone that the one person you for sure want on your side in life, is a friend like her. I'd like to tell you a little more about my experience with one. During my eighth grade year in school, I was a pretty lonely girl. I mean I had friends but we slowly changed and grew apart. We would still bare the company of one another though as if nothing changed. As a loner I grew to love the library at school. I basically lived there during the school day. I went through out the school days as a robot and a zombie. This was until I started to talk to a girl named Laney in my first period. She changed my life completely. I finally had a friend that made me happy. People slowly started to see the stupid, idiot, weird me. I was not afraid to make a fool of myself in front of people when I was with her. Even that one time we were pushing each other in the hallways and she made me fall in the middle of a crowd. We would tease each other in the classes we had together and grew best friends. We have been fighting recently which makes everything worst. I have been called by her a sexist and the problem of this whole world. In return I called her a coward. Now our friendship might be on thin threads just because I commented that all guys were stupid. Please don't make the same mistake I did and make sure to keep the good friend Laney you will learn to treasure.
"The only person to crack dumb jokes is a Laney."
by The Traffic Cones Bestie July 7, 2020
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A bad bitch has good friends in love with her boyfriend and really good at makeup you really need her as a friend because she will be there for u no matter what and she will fuck u up if u mess with her always keep a good relationship with Laney
Laney is a bad. Bitch
by Hellogirl3333 February 20, 2018
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if your lucky enough to have a laney as your best friend never let her go. she is the most kind loving person ever. she is not just beautiful of the outside but on the inside as well. she will focus on the negatives about herself but she is easy to make smile.
person- “who’s your best friend
me-“definitely laney no doubt
by buford middle school😎 April 10, 2019
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The best girl you will ever meet. She is hard not to love. If you break up with her you will regret it. Most beautiful girl you will ever see in person laney i love you. You have the best smile ever and is willing to help anyone in need
Wow Laney you are very beautiful
by By Brennon Duvall April 25, 2019
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