A term of high respect and consolation used among (usually young) men. More personal and intense than simply bro. Likely arose as a logical reaction to young women referring to each other as queens.
A: My girlfriend just dumped me.
B: Hang in there, king. It'll get better.
by Cheesy on my Peeny February 18, 2020
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-Giving excellent customer service.
-Working more slowly in order to maximize billable time.
-Working more slowly at the end of the night to make sure it qualifies for car service.
-Volunteering for copious amounts of overtime.
Bill worked about 15 hours today. He was kinging it so he could get a car service home.
by dwwo April 14, 2016
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When you dominate and rule someone else by winning or make a fool of someone making them feel weak.
by King13EP August 18, 2013
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a term given to someone who, while playing the drinking game kings has the ability to make one or more other players wake up on a boat the next morning. This is a very rare ability and very few people in the world posses this ability.
person 1: hey did you here what happened after kings last night?
person 2: yeah jose woke up on a boat.
person 1: yeah chris really is the king of kings.
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rules hyrule and thinks dinner is what all true warriors strive for. he makes link defeat gannon becuase he is to weak to do so himself. he is also the father of zealda (the princess of hyrule)
Link: gee it sure is borning around here

The King: moi boi this dinner is what all true warrior strive for
by jomod July 10, 2009
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A male specimen, an alpha, a man who knows what he wants, Values himself as an individual, support his other fellow kings, a true warrior, handsome young lad with a big cock, destroys vaginas like he’s thanos, and most importantly follows mrtraplord
Thot: omg he’s so sexy, I wanna ruin him

Queen: he won’t fuck u
Thot: why??

Queen: Bc he’s a king
by Kingtrapsallday May 8, 2019
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To live your own life as if you were a king
To own and rule your own world
Not to do things by half
To make decisions and act upon them
Aimee live her life to the fullest, she was Kinging-It, baby!!!!
by WilDej June 3, 2021
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