a beautiful girl who has an attitude but in a good way. She’s nice but don’t test her. She’s a very kind and caring person. She doesn’t care what people say about her. Over all she a nice, kind person.
Omg she’s such a keili!
by ohnohoney123 April 2, 2018
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Keilys she is a very beautiful person who is very smart. She very nice to people she likes. She is very good at softball. She also very very stunning she has the best looks in her family and shes very good at makeup. She's very good at keeping secrets and will never back-stab you and will never be a snitch.she gives the best advice when you need it. She will always be the best person out there and if you have a keilys in your life keep her because she will be the best person you know.
Dude one-Damn keilys is very cute today
Dude two- Damnnnnnn She FINEEEE
by dolan dolan December 16, 2019
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Keili is an amazing girl who loves to laugh and will have a lot of fun. when you meet her she will start as shy but when you start to know her she becomes the BEST friend ever.
boy 1: look keili
boy 2: OMG
by UniversalTob May 22, 2019
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That one chick who falls in love with every girl she sees, watch out boys Keili is about to steal your bitch
Boyfriend: Babe let’s go the other way

Girlfriend: Why?
Boyfriend: She’s Keili, she is going to steal you
by UwUdick March 6, 2019
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Keili is not nice will not be good at school. But ouver all she is ok
by havenoclue May 1, 2018
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Keilie is a very bitchy person but can not help it. She can be very mean to the ones closed to her and is very lazy and sdose not know how to act at time
Omg Keilie is sooo crazy
by Smoke weed everydayyyy December 9, 2019
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Keilie is a very judey person who dose not me to come off as a bitch but just is. She is very lazy and dose not like to clean up after herself. She I bet rough with people around her. She is very mean to people close to her. But Keilie is very pretty and know how to make you laugh bc of her crack head culture. Just punch your Keilie once and a while
Keilie is very crazy don’t go near her
by Smoke weed everydayyyy December 9, 2019
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