a mumma’s boy but definitely not a spoilt brat. He’s maturity in relationships depends on the phase he is going through.Definitely got the looks to make a girl say ‘iss shakal se pyar nhi hoga toh kisse hoga’. Takes pride in what he has & likes to show off at times but his show off is absolutely harmless .Will always make u feel good about urself . In short ..a guy u’ll want in ur friend list.
Damn, u r so pretty!!!!
Yeah, I have got a Kartik.
by Diana..it..is November 23, 2021
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A big male with a cock unmeasurable, he fucks a lot and stuff like that
Kartik you sexy beast
by November 21, 2021
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It is usually the name of a freak of nature in the sheets and in real life. True sex god by nature. Tall and handsome. Super charming and very social. Has a billion dollar smile and can pull off any look
Oh my god he’s such a Kartik 😩
by Your fav brown girl November 23, 2021
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Loving boy who always supports his friends’ businesses and pays full retail price
Kartik paid for the jacket
by Sandy04 February 7, 2022
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Kartik is someone who is really desperate. Always trying to find a partner. They are so lonely. They can be very stupid and childish. They usually get mad easily and they always play the victim. They also have this amazing quality to repel girls. Most Kartiks are simps. They are also in love with anime thighs.
Person 1: Is he a-
Person 2: A Kartik? Yeah.
by yea ok- May 29, 2021
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Karthik has the smallest penis in this world
Kartik's penis is opposite of ribhav's penis(search)
by meglow November 25, 2021
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someone who is inferior to nehal. end of story.
u know the definition is the truth, so embrace it and move on.
by nvpstar09 December 10, 2004
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