Just Enjoy This Shit.

"I realized that at the end of the day, the time that we got, we’re stuck here and there is nothing you can really do unless you gonna check yourself out. Unless you gonna kill yourself, in the meantime just enjoy this shit. Nobody can really do shit to you. So through all the shit I been through, I always maintained the same attitude because I always felt I was right. " - Curren$y
"JETS nigga" - Curren$y
by JETlife July 21, 2010
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That’s Jet, chick in Dunkin’s made our food so fast!
by FOLESKI December 9, 2019
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"We're gonna jet because we have to meet some peeps in 15 minutes"
by KImCobain February 11, 2015
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A person who is extremely kind , loving, loyal, faithful,full of love and forgiveness with a crazy side to him. This person will love u no matter what happens. This person is also naive and scared of strangers, an introvert but once you get to know them, that’s a different story. All Bark no bite. Always excited to see you when u come back from school or work. They often shower their love even to the ones that don’t deserve it. Clingy but you will love this amazing sweet person that deserves so much more in their life.
by wolfstarforlife November 19, 2017
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A name, albeit a rare name, people who have this name are awesome at anything to do with art (video games, painting, sculpting, etc)
1. wow that Jet persons drawing are awesome
by F. Aggot August 21, 2010
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A drug in Fallout 2. Sold mainly all over in New Reno.
"Hey uh got any Jet?"-Addict in New Reno or The Den.
by Eric January 23, 2005
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