adjective: of, or pertaining to, a prostitute or the appearance of a prostitute

etymology: the Ipswich prostitute murders made the town synonymous with vice (despite the total number of street women being extremely small)
'Did you see that smackhead girl on the bus with the massive earrings and overgelled croydon facelift?'
'Yeah, she was totally Ipswich'.
by AlfonsoJonesIII July 31, 2008
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Ipswich is a city in the Uk,which is often recognised as the most depressing place of the in the Uk as the only thing to do is go in the sea,and lets be honest,in Ipswich there are many better things to make you wet.
Bob:Do you want to get wet?

This was the day Bob realised Steve was a faggot.
by YayImAperson June 27, 2014
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East Anglia's most MOST SUCCESSFUL football team, by any definition. BTW, 2-0 against the Burnley FC!!!!!
Ipswich Town have finished higher than Norwich City in the league on 25 more occasions.
by djg November 19, 2004
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A very white upper class town in North East Massachusetts. The fun part about the town is that they all pretend they aren't as they drive around with their beemers and suv's their parents bought for them, and then buy again when they smash them. Rampant use of weed, coke and alcohol. "hip" parents let them drink under their supervision. Their obsession with Crane's Beach leaves something to be desired. Totally totally totally self-involved. Believe that any town outside of Ipswich will take 30 minutes to get there, so no one ever leaves. If you don't beleive me, read the other reviews.
Their high school teaches a class where all we learn is why Ipswich is so wonderful, and if they had wanted to could have been the next Boston, because it was that important. FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AGO.
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(n.) a beautiful town on the east coast of massachusettes. The town is located right on the coast of the pacific ocean where people gather and spend time generally smoking weed and soaking the sun. There are many reservations located in town where many people from youth to seniors go and take walks while puffing down J's. If your looking for a vacation spot to take some graffites with a bunch of hippies this is the place to be!
Lets go through Ipswich as we smoke this blunt listening to

"high off weed and lots of gin, too much smoke need oxygen"
by aaammmaaannddaa April 25, 2007
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Noun: Someone that is very unlikable and that everyone hates because he gives too much homework, work, chores, etc. That person don't know you hate him/her.

Adj: Of or being an ipswich.
Noun: That ipswich gave us mad homework today.

Adj.: That guys being real ipswichy cuz he aint giving us drugs.
by hayeren1 December 28, 2007
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(n.) A small town on the ocean with nothing to do but go on burnrides up the neck and never leave. Maybe if you're lucky you can hang out at the point with the V.I.P. club. If you go there, flip off Jardis.
by Christopher Reef November 16, 2004
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