"syrian jew"; a jewish person of jewish syrian descent. the large syrian community in the great NY area is known to be tight knit, yet at the same time, known in the area to be very hospitable and charitable to those in need. Some of their services include SAFE (for substance abuse and addcitions), SBH (a multi-network of social work), Sephardic Food fund (providing food to the needy), Sephardic Angel fund (helping people get jobs, and helping failing business with advice and coaching them to success) amoung other things.
Brooklyn is the heart of the SY community.
by brooklynite August 30, 2006
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Syed in Arabic means Honorable. Syed refers to a very respected clan in Arab world i.e. to people who are desendents of the prophet. Most Arabs refer to Syeds for Spiritual healing and prayers. However, there are some individuals who claim to be Syed but are not. Such people bring bad name to the authentic Syeds.

Syed Sahib told me some prayers for difficult times.
I went to Syed Sahib for his blessings.
by CycloneCommerce December 19, 2006
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Roger- aye yo bro i just saw this bomb chick down the street, im tryna slide in

David- true bro SYS you never know what could happen
by twixnzone6 February 5, 2019
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Probably some kid who watches weird tv shows that no one else does and probably had a very heartbreaking experience that changed him into a totally different person when you think of this you may think of how much he has changed and he most likely is very emotional and holds a lot of rage
Hey that’s sy he’s nice but weird
by Japanese senpai May 28, 2018
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One Who Is Awesome
One Who Is Ranked 3rd in the state for web design.
A great tennis Player
Syed Is Better Then Cecil In Tennis.
by Urbandudeno1 May 9, 2005
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An extremely sexy man from Harlem. HE is the man,the myth, and the legend. gifted with super intelligence and an awesome sex game. best known for screwing your chick.
YO cuff ya chick sy is on his way over....
by sexyazzbiatch October 2, 2011
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1. person who has a cool freshman friend "nosheen"
2. one of the cool "brown people"
3. nickname sydo
4.lives in the middle of aisha and nosheen
5. cant describe himself
That is one Syed over there.
by Nosheen October 27, 2004
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