Johnny: Dude, Fortnite has like, so much bloom man, it’s crazy
Ben: what are you, five? Stop complaining dude
Ben: what are you, five? Stop complaining dude
by Cuck&Suck June 18, 2018
by mideiclear January 2, 2019
Bloom is usually associated with flowers. As when flowers bloom from a seed thye turn into a flower. Bloom can be also be a girl. Peopel with the name Bloom are very delicate and petty. And when thye mad than u better get ready cuase she well curse ur ass out.
by My ass whore May 22, 2019
The act of expelling ones inner rectum to resemble a fleshy tomato from your anus. Usually occurs as a result of too much anal sex.
This ancient art, shrouded in secrecy, is performed by only those who partake in a high level of arse pounding - usually on film. These artists can expel or 'bloom' their inner parts on demand. This flower can also be sucked back into the bloomer's body upon request and must be done so before it dries and subsequently shrivels.
This bloom is a delicacy in the rugged mountains of Japan.
This ancient art, shrouded in secrecy, is performed by only those who partake in a high level of arse pounding - usually on film. These artists can expel or 'bloom' their inner parts on demand. This flower can also be sucked back into the bloomer's body upon request and must be done so before it dries and subsequently shrivels.
This bloom is a delicacy in the rugged mountains of Japan.
Uh Oh... Janice is blooming again.. her arse tomato is exposed. Someone get her a pencil to push it back in.
by Scooter78 September 12, 2013
The miraculous act claimed by some where an infintesimally small penis gets alot bigger when erect. Almost always a lie-- they usually just have a small penis.
Upon being pantsed, everyone laughed at Brandon's small wiener. He claimed it really bloomed. I for one doubted it!
by Mr. Flint October 4, 2006
This is a name you give to one of your closest friends who has bloomed up and become the best to you. This person is energetic and always fun to be with. Even though sometimes this person is hyper you ike it and you admire this person for it. Every person needs a blooms in your life they are one of the best people you will ever meet and you love them. No matter what keep Blooms close to you because they will always be there for you
Person 1: Dude that girl is totally a blooms
Person 2: Damn i wanna get to know her more
Person 1: Yeah she would be the best
Person 2: Damn i wanna get to know her more
Person 1: Yeah she would be the best
by Themanwhotellsthetruth101 June 15, 2018
by bbones. August 8, 2010