she’s cool once you get to know her but hella socially awkward so approach her first because she definitely won’t. proper good sense of humour and will protect you from the hoes
immy: ...
person: what’s your name?
immy: immy
person: *in head* friend friend friend
by amazing sushi January 9, 2020
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Immy is a beautiful girl. She is extremely smart and talented. She loves instruments especially the flute and clarinet. Immys are not so tall but funny at the same time. They will always be there for you even when you don’t expect it. Immy is a awesome friend and if you knew her you are lucky to be her friend. Immy is supportive a great friend, extremely smart and pretty. If you know an Immy you should tell her that your their best friend!
Me: I should text Immy ??
Immy: Hey!!
Me: I was just about to text you !!
by I love dogs 1233455 November 27, 2019
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the best boy youll ever meet. insane rizz and so sweet
(marry me immi)
"immi is literally the rizz incarnate"

"right? hes so sweet i want to marry him"
by gallucille January 20, 2023
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Slang version of immigrant, used as an insuly
Have u seen that black chav Tanequa, shes such an immy!
by tismogismo September 16, 2023
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Immie is the most beautiful person you could ever meet, they are very smart, talented and always have the best music taste
Mates: "what's her name?"
Guy: "Immie"
Mates: "damn, you are so lucky"
by Banana guy September 6, 2018
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a slang term created by Leyla Shay ;abbreviation for immature
"Damn, she acts hell of immi."
by Leyla Shay June 26, 2008
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short for imigrant.
someone who cannot speak the proper lanugage of the country they live in/cannot pronouce words using the proper english accent (or whatever it may be)
hey girl pass me the fetacheese
what is FET-A cheese?
oh lord i forgot your an immy.
by vbird May 20, 2008
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