1) A term generally used in extreme sports referring to a large jump, often without knowledge or regard for the risk or consequences.
2) The term can also be applied to risk assesment in everyday life, taking actions regardless of the risk or consequences. (A strengthening of resolve, as opposed to 'fuck it' which is a form of giving up)
1) "He hucked the jump over on the north corner, not even knowing about the gravel pit below"
2) "This may not be my best decision, but huck it, I'm going to try anyway"
by ScarletOrangeMan September 12, 2006
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huck: to throw, chuck, lob, whatever
by elliot March 10, 2005
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Hucking is a term commonly used in Urban Mountain Biking or Dirt Jumping in reference to jumping up or off obsticals. Be it man made, building materials, dropoffs etc. People would take bikes and huck them off drops and stair gaps.
"I was hucking a car and biffed" (biffing= crash)
by Psyber_0 August 4, 2006
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In Mountain Biking terms to jump off/drop from a hight to flat land

a large 'drop off'
He Stacked hucking from a ledge
by Anonymous August 12, 2003
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Huck: (HUK) {Verb}.
1.Term usually used when skiing.
2.To Jump of something unaware of the consequences.
"Hey bro, I'll pay you 20$ if you can Huck that forty foot cliff!"
by Ewie December 2, 2003
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This guy is an absolute sweetheart, he will stay with you for your life. He has a big heart and loves his friends. All the ladies want him. He can get hit by the most hurtful words and still come back. He is a very sporty and active guy. Family is important to him and he will sacrifice all his plans for that day just to see them. He has a temper but can easily be calmed down by the love of his life. Huck is that kind of guy that you just want to be friends with.
Girl: Have you seen the new guy at school?

Boy: No, what’s his name?

Girl: Huck, and he is so dreamy.
by Thatgirlisamzing December 21, 2019
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A combination of the words “hella” & “suck” = HUCK.

Used to describe an unappealing situation and/or to describe someone who is not very talented at something.
Way 1
Person 1: We lost the game bro...
Person 2: Damn that’s HUCK

Way 2

Person 1: Did you see #7 drop that pass bro?

Person 2: Yeah that boy was huck...
by TunayReggie October 2, 2020
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