A horser is a what ever you want it to be becuase no one knows what a fucking horser is. like what the fuck is a horser like is it a gun or does it mean you got that meat idk
The crackhead at the gas station leans in to ask you: yo you got that horser on you

You: bro what the fuck is a horser

Crackhead: you know what I mean

You: bro wtf
by Horser definiton maker December 12, 2020
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A slang word often used by homeless men when you're trying to buy a pack of gummy bears at the gas station.
"Hey buddy, you keep that horser on you."
by [INSERT-NAME] March 17, 2021
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some crackhead asking people if they have it

no I don't have a fucking horser what?!?
by Dumb Idoyt January 28, 2021
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A Horser is a huge meatyshlong that a crackhead at a gas station wants.
Crackhead at 2am: You got that horser?

Optimus: Yeah the fuck I do
by Exvas January 21, 2021
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We actually don't know what it is but it sounds really cool and you can put your merch on it and it can sound like
" Ayo do you got a horser on you my guy?"
by Arrow9176 February 9, 2021
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You gotta keep the horser on you optimus said so
by SmokeyDontSmoke35 February 24, 2021
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