a girl with stunning eyes and falls in love with a short guy and is strong and badaas
by Heller67 March 15, 2018
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n: A Halation of Beauty; an Angel of Men. Possessing extreme qualities of splendor and majesty.
She is as Haylee, so beautiful. She takes my breath away.
by Shaun O' March 13, 2007
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She is one of the most beautiful girls inside and out. She will always bring a smile to your face and has a really amazing personality.
Everybody needs a friend like Haylee

Haylee, she is so amazingly gorgeous
by MikyMouse17 June 28, 2011
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Haylee a person full if personality,a lot of friends,and outgoing. Most likely to have blonde hair and blue eyes. Boys are attracted to her beauty.amazing person to be around.
Boy: who is that

Other boy: I don't know but...WoW...I think it's Haylee!..
by Seth rinchinch November 28, 2013
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A not so tall girl but definitely not short. She is very attractive. She cares about each and every one of her friends. Don't mess with an Haylee or any of her friends because she will get you. Haylee is not skinny, but not fat. She loves tall and sexy boys. Haylee loves boys because of their looks and a little about their personality. She is a very popular girl in school, she makes a lot of friends. She gets misunderstood by who she is. She is so beautiful that she gets a lot of boyfriends and gets called a "hoe". Her feelings aren't sensitive, but don't try to make her cry because you will regret doing anything bad to her. She is a very very athletic and strong girl. She beats most boy's in arm wrestles. She loves her boyfriend so much and she will fight for him and she will do anything that he wants. A Haylee is a very commandive person. She would make an very amazing mother. Haylee is an angel but has a devil side. Haylee believes in demons and ghosts, she loves scary movies and her favorite clown's are Pennywise, and skittles. She is a very big party animal. If u ask her to go to a party, she'll say yes before you can even blink. Haylee has a very dirty mind and she loves to be called these name's or to call her boyfriends, Babe, Baby, Sexy, Etc. Go easy on a Haylee, and become a friend with her, or maybe even something else, wink, wink.
Boyfriend: Haylee!! Go to this party with us! We'll have sooo much fun! wink wink

Haylee: Okay babe, I will. Just don't go easy on me this time...
by ive_0505 October 22, 2017
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Awesomeness in human form. Kind, funny, loyal & sexy.
“That Haylee is one awesome person
by A_Fabulous_Killjoy_666 May 10, 2018
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