Total badass. Always has awesome long hair. He is a motherfucking genie. And yes, ladies if you rub him hard enough he will grant you all your wishes
"you see that guy with the sweet hair"
"yeah man"
"He's a total Hans"
"No way!"
by arsenalsolo14 September 6, 2015
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The coolest person in the world. He's the kind of person who everyone worships. There is ofcourse also the Church of Hans and the Korhans in which are described the awesome stories of Hans. He created the earth and should be worshipped by everyone. If you don't worship him, you will go to Hell, or worse, you will never be able to know a guy named Hans!
Oh my Hans!
Hans created the earth in less then 7 days, beat that Christians!
by Person1337squared April 1, 2009
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Person~ male in Simi Valley, CA FULL NAME: Hans Gundelinger
by Pixie64 August 5, 2008
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a kind girl who has a wild imagination and loves to draw. she has a creative mind and comes up with great ideas. she is a problem solver and is very smart.
"look, it's han with another great idea."
by harleyaaa June 9, 2019
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super hot guy who is going to be a rockstar person someday, but he says he doesnt want to!! hes dating this girl named rebecca and im super jealous of her because hans is the hottest guy in the world!!!!
did you see that guy? he was like a hans.
man, that guy was just like that hans we saw at the party yesterday
by hansissohot February 11, 2009
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Group of people that basically are the antitheses to weeaboos and are formally called Heterosexual Anime Niggas. They will keep in touch with their own culture while still enjoying Japanese related art and culture. They will also wait for the day God sends anime girls down to Earth as a revelation and will dabble with anime pussy and hot as fuck anime girls.
Person 1 (Potential league faggot): "EUGH BRO YOU'RE SO FUCKING GAY! YOU WANT TO FUCK AN ANIME GIRL!"
Person 2 (HAN): "Bitch, you're the one wasting your life away while I'm over here waiting for the day God sends me an anime girl. By then, your ass will be on the street begging for loose thot cooch, NYUHHGUH!"
by HAN Lord December 1, 2018
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A Neko who likes lemons and is also vegan
Han Han: "I'm Vegan"
by wvwioegvjiowejvwep June 16, 2017
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