simply a demi-god who can be called on when people get in trouble for saying the N-word on their public snapchat story
Everyones ganster till Haans Dinu tears your ACL
by oldmatenonger February 3, 2021
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When something is sick or looks cool.
Yo broski is that ure new whip?

It Looks Haan
by Bodmonting November 14, 2021
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Someone you can vibe with, haane is very sweet and understanding. A great gift giver and the baddest b too
Haane is someone I want to hangout with today, she’s so cool and sweet
by Skíttlés November 22, 2021
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A little piece of shit that no one cares about. Also he's really short. He loves art and is pretty good at it however he is addicted to coffee and reddit
Guy: oh whos that?
Guy 2:That's Seth de haan he's a piece of shit.
Guy: oh i forgot and he's also really fucking short
by Asmallperson May 13, 2020
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