westy claimed, "Man i got a mean HRT commodore. It's pretty bad ass"
by inglewood January 3, 2004
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Adjective desribing a transgender person who is planning to get on HRT medication but isn't taking it yet.
Literally means "before hormone replacement therapy".
I'm pre-hrt so I have no boobs to speak of and I'm not even able to cry about it.
He's pre-hrt so he still has a high pitched voice and no beard.
by cockpenisEXTREME9000 August 28, 2019
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Pre-hormone therapy.

In cases of transgenders, this stage is when they first identify as the opposite sex but have not taken hormones to complete the transition yet.

Example : male to female OR female to male before any surgeries to completely become the opposite sex.
1) He is a pre-hrt in his transition to being a woman.

2) She's pre-hrt so she isn't a full male yet.

Trans transgender tranny trannie per gender reassignment pre gender reassignment surgery mtf trans ftm trans
by mwhiskeyfox February 15, 2016
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“They deployed the FBI HRT at the Texas synagogue
by beanieater4 April 27, 2023
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