A scary looking movie.

It looks like a mix of The Ring/Gothika and any ideas of horror movies that were found really scary.
The Grudge comes on soon.
by some polak October 5, 2004
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A scary movie based in japan about some crazy japanese bitch that died and haunts people whoever steps in the house she died in.
That kid that sounded like a cat was FUCKED UP AND DUMB. THE GRUDGE WAS THE WORST MOVIE!
by the grudge is gay! November 20, 2004
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1. An annoying problem between you and another person.

2. You hold on to the problem because you have nothing better to do in life.

3. Something someone does in order to make peoples' lives harder.

4. Immature
"I can't stand that girl, I'm holding a grudge against her because of mistakes she's made in the past."
by odlenhsi May 30, 2009
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Standing behind someone taking a picture and your face looks messed up or you look creepy
Dude, that guy is totally grudging that picture
by xx1grillz10xx April 30, 2010
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to grudge somone is to follow them endlessly, to always be behind their shoulder. To "grudge" is to be like the scary charaters in the movie "The Grudge" and is often used as a means of revenge or a way to get information out of sombody..... Works best if you have lang black hair and/or you have an aisian backround..
(person one)I can't belive Amz made as skrew up my line

(person two) yah ... lets go grudge her *sweeps hair over face*
by jacinta jade August 21, 2005
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(N.) A new japanese-filmed Horror Movie that's part Scream, and Part Kill Bill. It'll suck ass.
I seen the Trailer for The Grudge at Apple Downloads.
by G-Union May 3, 2004
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hi grudge you racist fuck, hows the blacks today?
Urghhhh im so racist i dont even want to talk to you.
by Jonthedouche August 13, 2008
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