An extremely stereotyped town in Southern Fairfield County, Connecticut. Because the property values are high, and there are some areas with mostly large houses, people from Greenwich are tagged as stuck up and ignorant. Although less goes on there than in alot of major cities, that doesn't mean there are no nice people. Look past your preconcieved notions when you are there.
Man1: Look! Their liscence plate says "Honda of Greenwich" they must be rich scumbags!"
Man2: Yeah! lets tailgate them.
Man1: Good idea!
by --- November 24, 2003
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While Greenwich is one of the nation’s wealthiest towns, it is clear many of the teens posting on here have exaggerated the lifestyle. Yes, the people in this town are living better then 97% of the nation’s population, but many of you have simply glamorized the town and the lifestyle that the people lead.
I cant tell if these definations are tongue and cheek or if they are actually serious
by fgghf May 14, 2005
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A town in Connecticut about which certain people who don't live there love to make generalizations in order to feel better about (or simply mask) how white, privileged, racist, and stuck up they themselves are.

Greenwich is actually home to a wide variety of people. Its working class quarried the stones that built the Brooklyn Bridge. Greenwich residents have served in all America's major wars from the Revolution to Iraq. In fact, a Greenwich man was the first American soldier to die in World War I.

Sure, I could go on a long rant about the town's many faults, but it's home. Unless you've lived there, shut the fuck up.
"Wow - everyone who lives in Greenwich evidently rides flying Ferraris made of solid gold mined by African children and powered by the tears of displaced Native Americans. Guess I can absolve myself of all my white guilt now."
by Dusty N May 2, 2008
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A place in London, England that all the worlds time is centered around (GMT-greenwich meantime).
British summertime is when the clocks are put forward.
Greenwich is (GMT)
France is (GMT +1)
by your_lady_disdain September 1, 2008
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The short definition: A mostly wealthy town in southern Connecticut, United States.
But there is more: Coming from a person who lives in Greenwich, I know it is not the way it is commonly perceived by the public. Many people believe EVERYone in G-wich is a stuck-up snob, that plays LAX or field hockey, that has beach houses, and who lives in a gigantore house. But that is not the case. Although it is true that a lot of people are like this, most of the people are just middle class people, trying to get along in life. Our public high school is filled with preppy white people, but there are some people that are other races that aren't rich. Probably more than you'd think. Also, our school district is very successful in academics and sports. So basically the stereotype of Greenwich, that it is a snobby town filled with rich pricks, is not completely true.
Ryan: When I was growing up, I lived in Greenwich, CT, but I was not rich and I didn't play LAX.
by Rmort June 7, 2010
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People always talk about how this town is filled with rich spolied bitches. But take it from me yeah we might have a bit more money and our parents do have big jobs but why do we have to be penilized for that. I know that growing up in greenwich and not feeling like your fitting in can be tough... but the truth is that you just feel that way. i know that i am always nice to everybody all the new kids, kids who dress diffrent, people who dont have as many friends ect. Im just a normal kid who is growing up with alot of advantages in my life but i really am just that same as everyone else. There has to be a reason why everyone wants to live here and why it has become so expensive right? well to me i think its because everyone is so friendly, nice, caring and most people care more about others than themselfs. We dont get into collages because our "daddy" pays them off we work our asses off! and if anything our parents push school work more than anything because they want to see us suceed just like anybody else in the world. Although alot of kids do drugs not everyone does adn anyone can accept that fact. Its not that impossible to be diffrent in this kind of lifesytle. all types of people are accepted here.Its time sterotyping us stops because its getting a little pathetic
hey, i met a girl from greenwich and i really like her!

well dude shes from greenwich... you know that it wont last

whats that soposed to mean shes a nice girl just like everyone else?
by Nothing!!!!!!! June 7, 2007
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a wealthy town in connecticut. stereotyped to have stuck up and ignorant residents, but in reality people here are pretty normal. definitions here are exaggerated and if you haven't been here, stfu.
guy1: ew that kid's from greenwich. he must wear ralph lauren, have three houses, get stoned often, and own a yacht.
guy2: fail.
by steph<33 January 26, 2009
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