The action of squatting down low with your arms over each other like a russian dancer and bobbing up and down while repeatedly saying "Gorf".
Sean kicked me yesterday after I gorfed down the entire hallway.
by Zachary Napolitano March 23, 2007
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Acronym for Good Ol' Regular Folk.

Used to describe non-collegiate athletes in a derogatory way.
I hate GORFs. They just go to class for an hour then go play with their twats at home.
by OT10 May 7, 2010
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A term used in bodyboarding. Meaning a reverse ARS (Air Roll Spin). it is an extreamly difficult trick to pull.
Man did You just see Hubb pull that massive "Gorf".
by Pumo May 26, 2006
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A gorf is an old fat and flabby man with fake blond hair, orange skin, pursey lips, and a fat neck who shits in his tasteless gold bathtub and bites at his own cum-bubbles and then goes out to cheat at golf.
Melania gets sooo.. tired of hearing tRumpty gorf in the bathtub every morning!
by USAF Cadet October 23, 2020
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For a gorf to occur, the person must have the following traits:
1)They must be a GINGER!!!!!!
2)Smell of fox piss
3)Falls asleep mid-chew eating meat.
4)Hangs around bus stops
5)Gets dick slapped by other men
Look at that boy at the bus stop, he's a FUCKING GORF! kill that DICCCCCKKKKKKKKK!
by Steve Foreman December 8, 2008
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A word that can be used to spark conversation, no particualar meaning but if pronounced correctly, one can light a conversation amazingly. Best used in silent situations.
Dude, what did he just say?
by The PC Nerd February 5, 2004
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(verb) to stuff a large amount of food into your mouth; to eat something as quickly as possible, with minimal chewing; syn with "stuff your face"
The muffin was so delicious I gorfed it while laughing.

The pizza was so good we totally gorfed it.

Dude don't gorf your food, it's gross.
by Lucy T-W September 12, 2017
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