1. To have the behavior of a goober.
2. To be a little bit of a silly goofy guy.
Person 1: Why is that guy dancing in class?
Person 2: He’s just being goofy.
Person 1: Bro is gooberous.
by Emperor Chicken August 28, 2023
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basically a goober is just a kindhearted, rather oblivious goofball. it's term of endearment really. it comes from the ancient scottish verb "to goub", which has to do with doing a dance and smiling sheepishly while doing so, exposing the goubs in one's teeth.
"That John is such a goober," said Jane as John vector-danced* his Junior Prom away.

*footnote: the vector dance involves angling one's arms to form angles and vectors and pumping them back and forth to music. basically, it's geeky as hell. but completely sexy.
by Parker. June 6, 2004
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1)The absolute, highest you can be off marijuana
2)being so stoned you have no sense of the world anymore
E.g. 1
"Bro I took 6 dabs ever my first time smoking, I was Goobered"

E.g 2
"I got so Goobered I stared at a wall for 6 hours without even knowing it"
by BPatek October 7, 2014
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A term of endearment used in place of a person's real name. It is a nickname.

A goober is a loveable goofball who is incredibly well meaning and extremely attractive.

Their good natures make them totally fun and irresistible.
Goober is a new form of AWESOME.
"I was talking to Tony today, and I can't believe how much of a Goober he is!"
by Awesome-One May 24, 2012
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Any act which is purposefully commited to promote laughter or humour, but unfortunately, makes the speaker look as though they are intellectually equivalent to a door-knob.
Goober: "Jenny is such a wench, who would ever think that going bald is an attractive look for a girl?"
John replies: "Jenny has cancer you door-knob. She didn't shave her head because she thought it looked good. What did you say you majored in at unversity again, gooberisms?"
by PoulterGEIST November 11, 2010
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