When engaging in oral sex one of the partners accidentally pees in the other's mouth
Eeewww he goldrushed it?
by Lom March 31, 2004
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After ingestging copious amounts of vitamin B, you fill a ribbed condom with your now-DayGlo urine then place it in the freezer until nearly solid. You then proceed to sodomize your lover with this makeshift dildo, covertly tearing the tip open before inserting it into the orifice of your choice. When your partner's body heat inevitably thaws the urine inside and a golden geyeser erupts from her vagina or anus, you yell "Eureka!" as you withdraw the empty, dripping condom and slap her with it, and then she wants some more.
I have to get a new mattress this weekend because my boyfriend surprised me with a Gold Rush last night, and now it's soaking wet and smells like pee! I might keep it in a back room though, because I think I want some more.
by soksniffer August 8, 2010
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The wonderful feeling you get after consuming a large amount of Goldschlager, a cinamin schnaps drink that contains real 24k gold chips inside of the drink.
by Chris Haas November 8, 2005
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Yo...To straight-up pick your nose so hard and tear like a muthafucka, ahhhhh... and then rub it on my girls' titties.
I got the rocks so up in my nose I got to "gold rush" you baby, but I ain't lickin' it off. Holla!
by Rmani November 14, 2004
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A strain of marijuana resembling plant found exculsively on Lyall avenue. (Toronto On)
Yo, I got some dank wanna buy it?
No way man thats gold rush, where'd u get it Lyall?
by reinprecht October 9, 2007
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A rush of people interested in dating East Asians
Guy 1: Dude, check them out! I just found a gold mine!
Guy 2: You're into Asian girls...?
Guy 1: Yeah man. They're hott.
Guy 2: You're such a gold miner...
Guy 3: What's wrong with Asian girls? They're the best.
Guy 2: Nothing. I'm just not attracted to them.
Guy 4: I can't believe you're not interested in Asians.
Guy 2: What the crap?! Is this a gold rush???
by Scotty Shaw March 4, 2008
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A delicate expression of love in which a male releases into a female's ear canal. Once the viscous ejaculate has solidified, the female party proceeds to remove the wad of hard cum and ear wax, resembling nuggets of gold on the white Alaskan tundra.
"Excuse me Chelsea? I can't hear very well because Bernard was kind enough to give me an Alaskan Gold Rush last evening, and I am waiting for it to dry."
by Badfish41 June 4, 2008
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