Inappropriate use of eyewear.

A person who wears their sunglasses either indoors, or at night.
"Look at that guy walking around the mall with his glasses his on, thinks he's really cool - what a glasshole"
by Hardback June 14, 2013
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a person that is a prick in the glazing industry. Someone who thinks they know everything about glass, but really only knows how to run their mouth.
This glasshole has no idea what he is talking about. What a glasshole. You can see right through this glasshole.
by Capt Beyke October 24, 2018
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Hockey fans who bang or pound on the glass at games in a futile attempt to distract the opposing teams' players.
Me: See that Glasshole down there?

You: Yeah....

Me: If we go down there and pound on his face do you think it will distract him from the game?

asshooligan asshat hockey bro seat gypsie douche
by XtraCheezy June 21, 2011
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Windshield repairmen who hang out in gas stations and car washes. They will look at everyone's windshield for any signs of chips or cracks that can offer to repair.
I hate going to the car wash. Those annoying Glassholes are always looking at my windshield.
by Arizona Willie April 22, 2011
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When one is bogarting a glass piece for smoking pot. ie: a bong
Hey Steve, stop being a glasshole and pass that shit!
by G3RM@N1250 December 16, 2011
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An amalgam of "glass" and "asshole", used by Hellboy as an euphemism for asshole in Hellboy II against Johann Krauss, which has in the film an glass dome as part of his containment suit.
Krauss: There we are. Your temper,it makes you sloppy. Try to control it,Agent Hellboy. Before it controls you.
Hellboy: Glasshole.
by Amina Koyim January 16, 2011
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A punk rocker hipster scene-ster type who wears horn rimmed, or Buddy Holly style glasses.

Usually accompanied with a zip-up hoodie, Dickies pants and Chuck Taylor shoes.

This person's perception of the world is pessimestic and/or sarcastic. Approach with caution because he's probably a jerk and think's he's much cooler than you, square.
Billy: "That guy's a creep, I said 'what up' and he snubbed me. What gives?"

Johnny: "Don't worry about him. He's just a glasshole."
by Aaron Goodyear July 18, 2005
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