The skin and fat that dangles from a cats underbelly.
Look at Misty's gibby! It's dragging on the floor!
by mistysmommy February 2, 2010
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He's the lord and saviour of this Earth and the greater universe, and he's also a tortoise. He happens to live in some guys house in Washington. He's also known as The Divine One, Gibby of Shell
Person A: Hey man good luck on the test
Person B: Thank you, may Gibby give me luck
Person A: Praise Gibby!
by Leon Trotsky 1917 August 3, 2018
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A shirtless man, usually in a public or inappropriate place.
Ever since the weather got nice, that gibby has been doing nothing but playing frisbee and screaming "FOOTBALL!" all day on the green outside my window.
by Plaid-Clad SwampDweller April 28, 2010
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Someone with a bad haircut and that is very annoying. He watches gay porn on private mode is safari & doesn't delete it off his search history.
by cRaZyCrEeD72 November 19, 2019
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Short term slang for Gibbonsdown; the roughest area in Barry, Wales.
1: “That dude grew up in Gibby, I wouldn’t fight him if I were you”
2: “True, he’ll probably pull out a shank and murder me…”
by anonymous9261 March 1, 2018
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A guy who loves everybody but only shows it through violence. Ironically, nobody ever loves a Gibby. He's also usually stupid and annoying.
"Why is Brian beating that girl up? I thought he liked her"

"He does, he's a Gibby. That's how they show love"
by CheezMan47 October 2, 2014
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A nickname given to any pudgy kid that resembles the characters Gibby from Teen Nick's iCarly. Most often, this pudgy kid is known especially for trying too hard to fit in, acting as wankster as physically possible, and hitting on underclassmen and upperclassmen alike.

-Can be substituted with Gibbs, Gibblets, Gibble, Gibbly, Gib, or Gibbamundah-


Someone who is terribly awkward when it comes to girls. Tries to force the annoying one-arm hug on them.
1 "Wow, Gibby sure tries too hard. If he just toned it down, he'd probably get some friends."

2 "Please tell me you didn't just smell her hair. You're such a gibby!"
by HonkoftheHill September 21, 2010
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