A friendly, theatre loving italian. Is known to be sexually forward and lacks in size. A Giacomo loves cheese, and American women. Loves to dance, and can let loose on the dance floor.
Look at that drunk jelly fish! Oh wait...it's Giacomo
by soberjellyfish October 11, 2010
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An obnoxious and arrogant North Italian. Much to their delight, they often excel at academics and frequently show off about it.

Hardly ever find true friends.
Person 1: James got an A in French and he's boasting about it so much
Person 2: Yeah, he's such a Giacomo
by Giacomo Rossetti May 3, 2016
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A sexy Italian slut that sucks off other Italian cunts. He’s a short ass mf that thinks he can pick up a fight with anyone. In a fight he’ll through a punch get punched back and start crying. Over all he’s a cunt that is gay.
Giacomo: FIGHT ME
Random Person: Ok
Giacomo: Punched enemy weakly
Random Person: Upper cuts him to hell
Giacomo: WHY’D YOU HIT ME?
Random Person: Cause you told me to
Giacomo: *Starts Crying* YOU CUNT
by Jeremy the pp November 30, 2018
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Old nasty fucks who steel gas and walk in a horizontal line at night.

Coulterville Illinois
Damn you look like a Giacomo today, Go change.
by Mike cunt March 10, 2019
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someone you hate because they are always complaining and they always wanna die
Giacomo would say "I wanna die because of lulu"
by LGTB May 17, 2019
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A breed of wild ass. Known for it's strong, unexpected sexual outbursts and inexplicably small penis size. Can be found receiving head from a breed of goat called a Jayden.
All you have to do to get the wild Giacomo's attention is to yell "PUSSY" as loud as you can.
by Mami101 December 17, 2016
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