Adj: Awesome. As in "that was awesome" kind of awesome, rather than Ghandi the person.
Tom just did a back flip on his wakeboard. It was so ghandi.
by Malcolm X Terminator August 31, 2008
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Anything not related to violence that is thought as amazing or "cool".
Usually used by Bohemianesc society.
"woah man that philosophy meeting was ghandi!"
by PeaceLover06 May 10, 2006
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An Indian. Someone who works at a gas-station, that isn't American. Terrorist.
I just walked into the gas station and had to buy gas from that fucking ghandi.
by arealamerican100 July 18, 2009
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To fuck a markor up the arse while jess is waxing his ballsack screaming "MANNING FUCK ME MANNING!"
by BluRB June 23, 2003
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done for; killed; destroyed; gone; no longer exists; out of stock;
"That faka is ghandi's, no can hang with the braddah's."

"Ghandi already, you too late"
by randomfaka May 21, 2009
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Nickname for a kid whos real name is Eli, also short for Elizabeth.
Ghandi + Jess = big fucking boning orgy every fucking night SO KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF BITCH
by Jess February 25, 2004
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A nigga whomstvent created fortnite.

"If they sit while they pee. Kill them in a murder spree."- Ghandi, 2018
That nigga be lookin like Ghandi
by The large 0ne December 10, 2018
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