DEFINITION: To subject the public record of an individual to close and unremitting Internet scrutiny to uncover unethical or illegal behavior.

BACKGROUND: 2005 Blog investigation of phony White House reporter "Jeff Gannon" led to his resignation
Guckert was Gannonized into oblivion.
by ANKOSS February 10, 2005
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Verb- To lay claim upon an otherwise open and available campsite or recreation area by setting up and leaving gear (e.g. tent, table, chairs) then departing, with the intention to keep others from using said location until the offender returns.

Conjugations include verbs Gannoned, Gannoning
We want this spot next weekend but can't stay until then, so we will just Gannon it.

Fuck! Some fucking Gannons Gannoned our spot!
by Umbraoregon October 24, 2022
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A person who was influenced by Ganondorf, the main antagonist of the legend of zelda series. The person is acting, talking, and dressed like ganondorf.
Dude, you're gannonized.
I was gannoized yesterday after playing zelda
by gaycheeks November 28, 2011
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1) The final boss in Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo, 3DS, and Japanese platforms.

- See also: Ganon (Collector's Edition, Game Boy Advance, and Wii consoles)

2) A person using the "try force" method to achieve their (often unsavory) goals.

3) A private Catholic university in Erie, Pennsylvania. Home to the Golden Knights.

Not to be confused with Gandalf, the geriatric pedophile in a tale about homosexual elves and dwarves with learning disabilities.
James: I was only trying to get her to come home with me.
Andy: Calm down, Gandalf. She doesn't like you that much.
James: Whoa there, Frodo. What are you talking about?
Andy: Keep it in your pants, Gannon. She said no. Deal with it.
by Dickchinhairy December 19, 2017
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A subgenus of douchebag prone to creating 'wacky' entries defining their own surname with unimaginative adjectives such as 'studly' and 'witty'.

Distinguishing marks include:

-"Wacky" ties
- Tendency towards jokes based on advertising slogans
- Thinks others believe they "should definitely do stand-up"
-"Did you see this dipstick calling himself a pirate ninja?"
-"Yeah...They must be a Gannon"
by Darth Voorhees December 8, 2009
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1) a person who has very strong hobbit traits. usually found in little caves and caverns in the craig, co area.

2) a person who has an enlarged buttocks area. commonly reffered to them as a J-Lo or ghetto ass.

3) a person who lives by: mud, slingin and tires. but knows nothin about either.
1) hey u look like a gannon.

2) that must be a gannon hobbit.

3) dang check out that fine chicky gannon. thats one fine ass.
by outlawknox February 5, 2010
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A gay ass faggot who needs to kill himself because he is ugly as hell and will never get a girlfriend
Gannon is sad because he's ugly.
by happy_not_happy February 25, 2018
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