A child-ages may vary- that is abnormally large. Fat. Gross. And extremely ugly. They should be slapped. And beaten to death. And thrown into nazi concentration camps so they may be worked to death. AKA: A fugly person who has not quite matured yet. Fugly mother+fugly father = a filthy little fuglet of a baby.
Person 1-"Man, Look at that fugly woman over there!"

Person 2- "Damn! If you think that's bad look at her little fuglet of a baby!"
by Luke Nye March 6, 2008
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A Mudge Fuglet is something that has been left around in the rain, mud and desert being eaten alive by rabid bunny rabbits and/or coyotes. Often used as an insult to describe a lazy person, or a turd monkey. This insult is one of the most cruelest profane terms that anyone could use in the english language.
Mr George: Oh shit I have to watch my damn mouth around you Mudge Fuglets...
Kids: *Covers ears*

Mr George: Oh I mean, shoot...I have to watch my damn mouth around you Mudge Fuglets.
by fourlittleappleseeds August 7, 2010
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14th august is national Fuglet appreciation day where billions of people across the world celebrate Fuglets life and cherish her accomplishments
It’s national Fuglet appreciation day tomorrow, it is the best day of the year!
by Fuglet Vora August 13, 2022
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Mike: Ugh did you see that fuglet over there?!
by IMSUCHAFUGLET September 8, 2011
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a combination of the words fucking ugly piglet, used to describe someone who is all of the above
guy: “god i can’t stand you”
girl: “shut up you fuglet
by sexypaperclip123 November 26, 2021
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