A very terrible movie.
Frozen is terrible!
by 25IMF January 1, 2020
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bingoes in scrabble that need to be double checked for its validity.
X:omg, my opponent just put a bingo that worths 139 marks!!
Y:you idiot, have you checked whether its a frozens?
by illhul March 28, 2007
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o my GOD that guy is so frozen, check out his accent!
by 27.7° September 9, 2008
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The state of being very high/drunk/intoxicated.

-Originated from French Canada.
Bob: Bro, I was soooo frozen last night, I don't remember anything.
John: I know, you even tried hitting on Gertrude.
Bob: ... I what? -_-
by DJ Nocturnale December 13, 2010
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An overrated movie where kids go apeshit over most of the characters and everyone loves olaf and don't really give a shit about anna, but do a give a gigantic shit about elsa and this motherfucking song called Let It Go
"Do you masturbate to Hans from frozen, because you're fucking obsessed over him."

"Um... well... fuck you!"
by mknkn May 20, 2015
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When you're waiting on a coke deal and can't do anything else until you have safely obtained cocaine... you're frozen in the snow.
Drug addict: I just got 6 bundles, some ketamine, acid, shrooms, a little blow, and some klonapins... ready to party?

Cokehead: I just ordered up a ball, I'm gonna be frozen for about 20 minutes.
by Snowflake 2.0 February 6, 2012
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