When a girl sticks her nipple into someone's ass
After they got drunk, Claire gave Nick a fudge froster
by BJORN THE IMPALER January 23, 2004
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The conscious or semi-unconscious drunken experience of being "shot the wad" all over your body (much like jumping into a pool of KY jelly), all the while being frosted like a cake by someone who resembles a snowman. This leaves you with a new nick name for your partner "Froster the Snowman"
Female: "Hey Froster the Snowman!"
Male: "Mo mo, why are you calling me that?"
Female: "Oh, simply because you shot your wad all over me, AND because you look like a snowman!"
Male: "Hahahaha oh yeah, I forgot we already discussed this!"
by Rockefellar Skank November 6, 2010
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The result of spraying cum all over a females face to the point where it is dripping down like icicles.
Don't give your lady a pearl necklace for Valentines Day, call up some friends for a bukake and frosterize that bitch.
by SanAntonioWebster January 8, 2021
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