Most of the freshman I'm talking about are usually in the 9th grade in high school. There are two types of freshmen:
Type one:
Cocky,self-centered bitches who have not grown up since junior high, and all they care about is getting laid by the senior guys/girls and act like retards for the first 9 months of the year, and may stop just in time for sophomore year or continue to do this, flunk out and end up working at taco bell or taking care of their 2.3 children from their pregnancy during their junior year.
Type two:

Quiet, respectful, kind souls who only want to go to school and go home. They either care about school and/or athletics and end up being successful in school and in real life. They hate the type one kids since they make the freshman name bad, and end up beating their behinds.
A conversation between two freshman girls:
Jackie (type 1): AAY what up, I'm in high school now! I'm gonna sleep with, like, the entire football team!
Andrea (type two): please shut the hell up, your the reason why that upperclassmen hate us, and your just being a thirsty thot. Just because you are a freshman, doesn't mean you are all that.
Jackie: Whatever, you stuck up prude, I'm gonna be the envy of all the hot upperclass men and girls are gonna hate me because I'm more prettier them, and I'm going to rule the school!
Andrea: Ok then, have it your way then, but don't come crying to me when you end up alone, possibly pregnant and a STD.
( Jackie ends up flunking her freshman year, ended up with an STD and gets knocked up by her "ex-boyfriend")
by confessionsofateenager June 15, 2014
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a first year student in high school or college. For some reason upperclassmen seem to think that they are the lowest form of human beings ever to walk the earth.
upperclassman: Born 3 or less years ago than me?!? they deserve NO RESPECT!
me: weren't you a freshmen like 2 months ago?

i'm not a freshman, really
by pokemonfreak1231 January 1, 2006
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Freshman Type 1: Cocky, stupid, and immature. Probably think that they're still big, even though they're lurking in the shadows of second-year seniors who want to kick their asses.

Freshman Type 2: Quiet and respectful people who despise their counterparts. Make a decent attempt to fit in with the mature people on campus. Often keep their mouths closed until sophmore year.
Type 1: (Making loud siren noises at the lunch table)

Type 2: Dude, can you shut up? you're the reason why people hate freshman.

Type 1: Heeeellll naw. You wanna go?

(Upperclassmen steps in and proceeds to beat the shit out of freshman 1)
by Freshman#2 February 26, 2009
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1. High school or college Freshman acting silly or childishly compared to the surrounding population.

2. General noob behavior

3. A silly, ridiculous, or improbable item or situation.
1. She was freshmaning down the hall...again.

2. So much freshmaning on the internet today!

3. The House is trying to pass that freshmaning bill SOPA.
by Random!Holmes February 10, 2012
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A horrible disease that everyone gets in n their first year of high school. Symptoms include trying to fit in with the seniors, acting like you own the place, and just being a general douchebag.
Oh shit! That whole new group of freshman kids is here! I hope they aren't contagious!
by MarkToast January 21, 2015
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Freshamnity is the innocent and unmatured state of being a freshmen in highschool. All throughout freshmen year these kids keep their freshmanity by being stupid, goofy, and ignorant. They only become mature when they feel they are ready to lose their freshmanity (usually the day after school ends or sometime over the summer). Some freshmen become pressured into this event before they are ready. On rare occasions a freshmen is so immature that they don't lose it until senior year.
Jimmy-"Dude I can't believe freshmen year is over already!"

Carl-"I know! What are you planning to do over the summer?"

Jimmy-"play a bunch of Halo and maybe even lose..*ahem* something.. ;)

Carl: "ahaha me too man, I can't wait to lose my freshmanity!"
by dizzydreamr June 10, 2010
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9th grader. some are cool, others are annoying. they get lost a lot during the 1st week of school. most of them mature by the end of the year.
On the 1st day of high school (freshman), I got lost on the way to 1st period. Now,(junior) I can find all sorts of places.
by @$h December 10, 2006
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