a bad shot made by a golfer stoned out of his mind
yo nice foghorn jimmy chipwood
by hair nick October 20, 2003
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Foghorn farts are a deep, loud rumbling flatulence.
Gawd, Fisher must have a ship up his ass with all those foghorn farts!
by I, Wreckerrr October 10, 2016
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Sex act: Blowing a "raspberry" with ones mouth into a partners anus.
After felching with Janice, i gave her a Berlin Foghorn to moisten my lips. She was tickled with delight.
by Kissykissybumbum March 18, 2014
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a rooster part of the looney toons that stutters
Foghorn leghorn: "I..I..I sai...I said SHUT UP!!"
by J 0 K A June 30, 2006
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The art of ripping a sick fart into someone's mouth.
When Jay Jersey Foghorned Randy, Randy's breath smelled like burnt broccoli.
by Pumpkinhead August 31, 2004
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An act of sexual vengeance in which the performer, while having his or her salad tossed, farts the residual juices from his or her high colonic into the mouth of his or her unsuspecting partner.
Jack: Hey, Neil. How're you and Caroline doing?
Neil: Aw, man. Fucking bitch cheated on me.

Jack: Oh! Sorry to hear!
Neil: That's ok, man. I hit her with a platinum foghorn last night. Even, Stephen.
by Beige Panic November 9, 2009
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An act in which one seals his or her mouth around the anus and blows air into the rectum to create a pocket of air in the colon. The unsuspecting participant than expels said air in the form of flatulence.
While tossing her salad, I gave the dirty bitch a filthy foghorn... She didn't see it coming!!!
by Sicklers mom July 11, 2008
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