Shit, the closet thing in appearance, texture and smell to a shit.
by Cailum Burke February 25, 2017
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The act of blowing air into your girlfriend's vagina, then fucking her doggie style while she queefs all over your dick. When the queefing stops, withdraw and blow more air into the vagina. Repeat until you bust a load. Then suck the load out of her vagina, spin her around, stick a straw in your mouth, and blow the gum all over her face. That is a Dirty Fergal.
*At a restaurant
Waitress: "Would you like a straw with your Coke?"
Man: "Yes please, I'm going to give this bitch a major Dirty Fergal when we get.home."
by CandaceSuite December 22, 2020
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A synonym for "to fuck" in hamburg slang
To fergal
Guy 1: duude did you fergal that girl last night?
Guy 2: yeah man I fergaled her good
by Philipp101 July 28, 2017
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Originating in the early 21st century "to fergal" was first used amongst a group of young hamburg artists.

Actually it has quite the same meaning as "to fuck" (dt.: vögeln).
-"Hey man, how was last night?"
-"Man, I fergaled that bitch so fucking hard last night. She wanted me to fergal her pussy again and again."
by philcy June 7, 2017
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