Chnyc’s MANZ dat you can’t take. Ferdinand is this skankilicious piece of eye candy. If you try to take him...Chnyc will eat you.
Dang! Have you seen Chnyc’s MANZ Ferdinand?
by Chnyc Copenhagen March 17, 2020
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An American cult film director who has experimented with a wide selection of genres. Critically, he seems to receive much praise for his films, most notable of which include The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nymphoid Nurses Get Nasty, Home Alone, and No Country for Old Men.
Ferdinand O'Hoolihan is one of my all time favs.
by Joey Orgler 3 July 28, 2008
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1. A kick ass band from Scotland, their album is really good if anybody bought it.
2. The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the spark that set off WWI.
Buy the album or read a history book to find out if what I'm saying is true.
by Bob the Magician pt.2 May 27, 2004
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1. Archduke killed and started WWI, yeah yeah, everyone's heard it.

2. Scottish band with pure originality and great lyrics along with catchy tunes. With Alex Kapranos and his wonderful voice, he makes Franz Ferdinand a much more fun band to listen to.
1. History is boring, but when I heard the name Franz Ferdinand, I started dancing in the middle of class.

2. I went to the Franz Ferdinand concert and I threw my bra onto the stage and Alex Kapranos looked very startled.
by Lani July 19, 2004
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When a man sticks his penis in a woman's vagina or a male/female's ass and urinates inside.
by Chupacabra97 April 24, 2011
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When a girl is giving an Alaskan pipeline and the condom breaks but she keeps going and it turns into a shitty mess
1: did you hear Jessica gave herself a muddy Ferdinand the other day?
2: oh my god that is so disgusting. What a slut!
by Tacticaltrunkmonkey July 30, 2016
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1. Archduke of Austria-Hungary whose assination in 1914 led to the start of WWI.

2. The best time you'll ever have, via four Scottish lads who love music as much as your brother loves his porn collection.
1. Damn! I got points off my history essay for putting that Franz Ferdinand is sexy. (see def. 2)

2. Franz Ferdinand rock my socks!
by LemonShizzy June 28, 2004
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