A challenge that is almost impossible. Each day in February, the participant has to nut in accordance to the Fibonacci numbers. On the last day, the participant must nut at a rate of 3.68 nuts per second.
You trying for destroy dick December man?
Nah. Thats for the weak. Gotta try Fibonacci fap February.
by Nighthawk Entertainment November 5, 2018
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A month-long meme challenge, like No Nut November, that involves abstaining from fapping for the entire month of February.

There are two modes: Alpha Mode for the hardcore cumrades, and Beta Mode for the cucks that still wanna look at porn and edge.
Bloke #1: Hey Liam, now that Just Jesus January is over, wanna do Forfeit Fapping February?

Bloke #2: Nah Harry, I'll think I'll pass 'cause I've been holding in the World's Biggest Nut.

Harry: But it's our only chance to finally annihilate the furries off the face of the Earth, mate.

Liam: Holy shit, it's game on then!
by VampyWeeksFan February 2, 2019
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A challenge similar to no nut november but it is in February. If you failed No Nut November, then you can compete in Fuck Fapping February, and redeem yourself. Following this month can be named March Madness or something similar.
If you complete both challenges, then you are the master of self-control.
Hell yeah, I got through No Nut November, now I gotta prepare for Fuck Fapping February.
by OfficerSchmlonk October 30, 2018
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In parody of 'No Nut November' and 'Destroy Dick December', this is an event that starts on the 1st of February, where on the first day, you fap once, on the second day you fap once, on the third you fap twice, on the fourth you fap three times etc. until the 28th where you fap 317811 times.

It's worse on a leap year.
Guy 1: 'Hey man, are you doing Destroy Dick December?'
Guy 2: 'Yeah I gotta train for Fibonacci Fap February - it's gonna be brutal.'
Guy 1: 'Well don't forget Jerk Off January my dude!'
Guy 2: :O
by Lukash Hash December 1, 2018
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Every day of February, nutting the same amount of that date on the Fibonacci Sequence. For example 1 nut on February 1st, 317811 nuts on February 28th
Juan “Are you participating in Fibonacci Fap February? There’s a total of over 300 thousand nuts!”
by Brady31 November 6, 2018
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Fuck Fap February means to not fap on your girlfriend, gay friend or random people you see. Similar to NNN (No Nut November) and DDD (Destroy Dick December).
"Dude i survived NNN and DDD"
"Good luck for FFF"
"What is FFF?"
"Fuck Fap February"
"Ratio dislikes>likes"
by Scammkidzz November 20, 2021
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Same event like No Nut November but only 28 days to prove females are mature beings than males. This challenge cannot masturbate which can penetrate the G spot without using any items such as dildo, drugs, fingers that can react into vaginal, etc. Well, it is hardly for females who have periods to accept this challenges.
"When the Forbidden Fap February is ON, the porn industrial could only survive 40% as the No Nut November porn rate drop 80% at that month."
by TheInternetMemist December 15, 2018
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