FtM is short for Female to Male, referring to people assigned female at birth, who are happier as a guy, so they changed the gender medically.
Oh Alex? Yeah, he's FtM.
by Straw_Loki September 13, 2020
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A Twitter trend that stands for Fuck The Moment. similar to the meaning of YOLO but Much cooler.
I have no chance with that girl, but #FTM.
by MAJORMANIA January 15, 2013
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a FTM is a female turned male.One who has has surgery or hormones to alter their gender.
wow i didnt know he was a FTM
by alexas January 18, 2005
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FTM stands for Fuck The Matrix,

the matrix is the section of the police that deals with illegal drugs in Liverpool, and some silly 10 year olds think it makes them hardcore to write it places along with a poor representation of the weed sign.
in fact, its not only used by silly ten year olds but also by the retards who give Liverpool its reputation of stealing things and general rat consumption. most people aren't like that.
stupid retard 1: 'FtM!! _\|/_'
stupid retard 2: 'keepin' it scouse, 1 lyf, liv it! _\|/_'

nah to you, gimps.
by i reckon not. July 4, 2010
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