Being so tired you can't even poop. You're not bunged up or anything, but it's been a long day, and the bathroom is alllllll the way over there...
Tom got in from his 60 hour work week and flopped down on the couch to take off his steel toes... only to find he was too exhaustipated to get up afterwards.
by LukaRam August 12, 2017
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So exhausted you simply cannot give a shit anymore
My life has been so busy and complicated of late, I am completely exhaustipated.
by Kaybee Brown September 6, 2023
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When you're so exhausted that it prevents you from being able to make a bowel movement, causing discomfort and pain; furthering your exhaustion. You are now exhausted and constipated: exhaustipated.
I've had such a long week and now I am so exhaustipated
by urmom26 March 29, 2023
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It is when a person is just too tired to give a shit
Dude: Bro, you should really finish your lab report for tomorrow, it counts for a large amount of your final grade
Bro: I can't do it dude, I'm exhaustipated. fuck dat shiiiiiiiitttt
by Mostorboating February 26, 2014
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To be so tired, you need to create a new word to describe it! (note, exhaustipated has nothing to do with constipation)
Also used as "Exhaustipation"
by ArryG June 14, 2009
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The problem of being so tired that you cannot fall asleep.
Dude, I got like 2 hours of sleep last night, hopefully when I get out of work I wont be too exhaustipated to go to bed.
by DAVnCHAINS December 27, 2013
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