A Cornish term for a tourist or holidaymaker, also used to describe foreigners in general, and (usually light-heartedly) to describe someone who lives in the town, but is not local to it.

Origin unknown. Believed to be derived from the Cornish word for 'ant', due to the similarity of a plague of tourists descending on a town to a colony of ants. This is unlikely however, as the Cornish word for 'ant' is 'morya'.
"Kint 'ardly breathe 'ere in summer, chap. Too many bloody emmets!"

"Wish we could stop all these emmets invading our country every summer, but they pays our wages, so t'would be silly really."
by GwresYnKernow September 17, 2008
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Emmet is a homophobic, racist, psychotic, controlling, boy who sucks at soccer. He is awkward, stupid, mean, annoying, and racist. He will ruin your life and bully your best friend. So never date a guy named emmet!
Emmet is suck a jerk. I hate Emmet!
by yellow birds December 9, 2019
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The smallest sunburnt dick known to mankind. HE is OBSSESED with this girl who thinks that he is made of shit. He will never get her but he still makes erotic fanfics about her. He will never give up but she already did. He is a total pussy who sleeps with her(his) parents and cries at sleepovers. He is afraid of the dark and anything the slightest bit frightening. TOTAL PUSSY
by idkhowtodothis March 3, 2017
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annoying chav/northerners that in the summer, cover our cornish beaches like a carpet, leaving not even a square inch of space for locals such as myself to sit down. they also throw chips to huge evil flocks of seagulls in the middle of town, saying 'ere, kelleh, kev, look at the luvleh berrds'.

they never listen to lifeguards and float in between the red and yellow flags on their inflatable rings and bodyboards that they can't steer. on lucky occasions they'll fall asleep and turn to a crisp hot pink, before falling off and screaming 'elp meh am drahning' in 4ft of water.

emmet- 'eh up ah got sand in me shoos'
emmet2- 'best get tut lahf gard dave'
by crinnydude February 18, 2006
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Another word for a tourist or holiday maker but used in a more derogitary way. Mainly used by Cornish people in Cornwall describing dirty chavs from other parts of the UK.
"Look at those dirty emmets over there!, lets go tell them to fuck off back to Manchester!"
by Mohammed Aljeeza July 1, 2005
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Yes indeedy, a hloiday maker in the southwest is known as an emmet. i believe this term is derived from the cornish for 'ant' as this is what they resemble when they swarm into town consuming everything in sight, generally getting in the way of those who wish to lead their normal everyday lives, and leaving again en-mass with the only sign of them being a trail of mess & destruction.
"You would think that Safeway would get it into their heads that this town is full of Emmets in the summer, and thus order in more bread!"
by Loubeeloo September 5, 2007
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The one to say the word “Ballsack” one too many times.
My boyfriend is such an emmet
by Chip whip January 17, 2022
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