A degenerate scumbag who came in his pants whilst on call.
The word "Emin" can also be used as an insult synonymous with words like "bastard" "degenerate" and "coomer"
Emin: Theres too much cum...
Everyone else: Did you just fucking cum on call Emin?
by cockulus the endless October 20, 2022
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Emin is the reason behind all weird anal phenomenons.

You may be wondering, "What kind of phenomenons?"
Well, remember that time your friend had ass-crack pain? But you were right beside him before he had them?
That's because Emin is capable of spawning hemorrhoids inside of people, even if they aren't on the same floor.

Or that time you suddenly had extreme gas? That's because Emin is capable of secretly injecting bean juice into your legs.

Remember, eat ass, smoke grass, and keep away from Emin.
Guy 1: AGH FUCK! MY ASS!!!
Guy 2: You got an Emin didn't ya?
by qwe35 May 18, 2020
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The all-powerful sage and eminent junkie
by lang January 7, 2005
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A turkish-armenian name meaning "my eminem".
Similar roots of Emina, Emmy, Emi. This feminine name often refers to a women with a curvacious body. She is usually strong-minded, a great lover, and ultimately posesses all that she desires. More attracted to younger men of darker complexion. The ultimate male fantasy figure.
She was the greatest courtesan of all.

In fact, as the Emperor lay on his death bed the last word he uttered was "Emine".
by Gabriele D'Annunzio February 4, 2010
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When you grow up in a trailer park and are permanently attracted to trashy chicks. No amount of social mobility or class elevation can change the intense attraction to trashy chicks. The term is derived from the rapper Eminem, who grew up in a trailer park. Even once famous, he still banged and sought out trashy chicks. There is no known cure.
Jim: Duuuude! Check out that chick over there, 8/10!
Bri: The one with the skunk hair and tramp stamp???
Jim: Yeah!
Bri: Uhhhh, she's like a 5....
Jim: My Eminitis must be dickin' up again....
by 1.6 pro blackout May 23, 2016
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rising above others;conspicuous;distinguished;exalted in rank or office.
Our President's determination was eminent over our allies.
by Anonymous October 30, 2003
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the shit my friend says because hes illiterate and cant spell
friend: we do an eminence amount of trolling me: the fuck are you saying
by tsar bombalder June 20, 2021
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