Noun: a name for the hair that grows on the taint (see also; taint or gooch)

see also "taint knot"
Your gooch looks nasty, bro. You need to trim the durf.
by cock bomb January 7, 2009
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1) when your having sex and you fart, and a little piece of shit slides down your leg and on to ur partner.

2) when you miss shots on goal when playing soccer.

1) did u hear Austin Durfed last night on top of Jen.

2) ha,ha, Austin Durfed it again he never makes it.
by Ninja Baller May 31, 2007
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A state of mind and body that is incepted after a long night of partying in which causes you to lose all grasp on reality and procastinate to your maximum capability. Common side affects are: Hands in pants for extended amount of time, continous gas release, temptation to consumption of "couch pizza", refusal of changing your pants you pissed in hours ago, allergies to any light source, smelling like a foot, upsett stomach, and Diarrhea.
I'm durfin hard dude.

I'm in a strange state of durf.
hey man! whats ya doin?...Durfin
by Robert Durfnero February 7, 2011
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An acronym for Dump, Unfriend, Remove, and Forget. Often used to express feelings about someone else's companion, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc.
You sooo need to durf him.
by durfcreator?? July 10, 2011
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A homosexual who is afraid of being identified as gay, who goes out of their way to appear straight.
Steve - "Hey guys let's go to Hooters after the ball game"

Dave - "Why? So you can check out our boners you big durf!"
by Knuckleberry Finn October 4, 2015
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Someone that is tall stupid and a hoe
damn why is she such a fucking durf
by Alex Congers November 24, 2010
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Durf was once used most commonly for a code name in rap songs about drugs .
Never, ever once
Have you ran with the turf
Yet in every verse you claim
You used to do the durf
But tell me who's a witness
To your fu*king work
by igiveup. March 3, 2009
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