(A)Yeah Dude(s)are very Much like a bro,they walk around with their popped collars and say "yeah dude" to a response to almost anything. Quite possibly the biggest assholes around.
John walked down the hall and tom asked "Hey you gettin' crunked this friday dude?!" John replied "yeah dude!".
by Mike Wiseman June 5, 2007
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Quite meaningless, it is used when a person succeeds or is otherwise very happy about something.
This expression was no doubt made popular by Steve-O, one of the members of the "Jackass" television series, and most people using this expression will be fans.
When high or drunk, some people will hold entire conversations using only those two words.
"Yeah Dude."
"Yeeeeaah Duuude"
"Yeah Dude!"
by KrysCobra October 11, 2003
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Used by me, my sis and a group of boys in north london.. caught on in a small group. If some body is wearing summink stupid and asks you to agree you'd be like "yeah dude" sarcasticly. Get me?
Tramp fassy: "like these heavy trackies?"
Me "yeah dude/yeah mate" (in sarcastic tone)

Neek: "Blazin squad are hectic blood"
Me: "Yeah dude"
by MC 5t4RZ March 17, 2005
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An acknowledgement that shows you know someone is telling a lie. Also sometimes used inadvertantly by the liar in the process of lying. First used in this manner by a York High School heavyweight notorious for his fabulously fabricated stories about what he did that weekend.
"She had the hottest friend and the three of us got it on!"
"Yeah dude, it was awesome!"
"Yeah dude."
"No really, it totally happened!"
"Yeah dude, I totally believe you!"
by LeBonier January 12, 2005
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when someone says something that:

a) you don't care about

b) dont know anything about

or when you walk up to people in the middle of a conversation and you want to add your 2 cents.
mike: "hey, stan! get this! yesterday, me and my guild totally went to ICC 25 and pwnd the lich king!"

stan: "yeah, dude. soccer."
by yeahdudesoccer February 18, 2011
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A podcast dedicated to delivering a look at America through the eyes of two American Americans. Hosted by Seth Romatelli and Jonathan Larroquette (song of John Larroquette from Night Court). Recorded completely off the dome and is completely hard as is.
Uhh Yeah Dude: Molding the minds of young America.
by Ohemgeeitsme March 22, 2008
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Something one male, usually but not necessarily in the 15-45 age group, is wont to say to another male, when they are pleased, or are affirming their choice, feelings, experience, results, or the turn of events in general. 'Fuck' being an emphasiser. Occasionally spoken accidentally to a female, which becomes more comical in effect.
""hey, buddy, do you want to go on a road trip to a magical land?"
"Fuck yeah dude!"

"It's warm and the sun is out, what a day for summer fun"
"Fuck yeah, dude!"

""Let's be buds forever"
"Fuck yeah dude!"

*fist bumps and bro-hugs for all*
by k7d3b5 July 1, 2013
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